To Our Donation Page

We need your support or we'll never get out of this crisis.
Homelessness is defined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as an individual or family lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is either a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill); or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
Since 1998, Buttafleye MInistry outreach has been steadfastly serving the needs of homeless families in the greater Sacramento, Chicago, and Austin area. Last year, in Austin, over 1,000 children and adults were served with food and Hygiene bags and information regarding vital programs such as homeless to housing, spiritual health, mental health services, addiction, domestic violence intervention and survivor support, child nutrition, and our new Dollars That Make A Difference Initiative.

We ask for your support with this special initiative that will feed, give hygiene bags, and resources to the homeless that will help strengthen the heart and soul of the community through our outreach ministry. Any donation would be greatly appreciated, large or small.
Every other Saturday afternoon, in downtown Austin, Buttafleye Outreach Ministry leads a volunteer crew in preparing and serving hot tacos and water to over 175+ of our friends on the street. We don’t judge or criticize the reality of those less fortunate-
we just feed the sheep (people).
1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month

Buttafleye Ministry Homeless Outreach offers Feed The Need -Feed My Sheep program, which provides a hot meal every 1st & 3rd Saturday 1-4 pm downtown Austin Salvation Army and surrounding area.
We’re always looking for individuals or teams of servers to volunteers and help low-income families move toward financial stability with spiritual guidance, friendship, effective money management, finding affordable housing, or gaining new employment.
Homeless Crisis

How many people in the US are Homeless?
In the United States, on any given night, there are almost 600,000 homeless people. Most of these people are spending the night in homeless shelters or in some sort of short-term transitional housing or structure. Slightly more than a third are living in cars, under bridges, or in some other way living unsheltered. Approximately one-quarter of these people are children under 18.

Almost 6000,000 Homeless People in the US
The Austin 2019 point-in-time count found 2,255 people experiencing homeless, with more than half of those unsheltered. But the count only captures some of the people.
The Challenge That Change Lives

Take The Challenge for Change

The official poverty rate in 2018 was 11.8 percent

2020 was at 9.2 percent, with the rate for white, non-Hispanic people at 6.6 percent; the rate for Black, non-Hispanic people at 15.2 percent; and the rate for Hispanic people at 13.8 percent.
The ministry is obedient to the word of God by helping the homeless and the hungry. The outreach ministry focuses on homelessness, rehabilitation, and the needs of the less fortunate. 'We believe that every mouth should be fed and everybody housed with a bed.'
By the way, you could always carry some water bottles to hand out, make and distribute care kits, put a few dollars in their hands, volunteer with Buttafleye Ministry Outreach to hand out hot tacos, snacks, and just smile and say hello instead of sneer. Or get creative! Volunteers sign up to give haircuts, host donation drives for men's clothes, provide music ministry, and more. Don’t let the fact that you can’t do everything keep you from doing anything.
There is a World Wide Homeless Crisis!
Read the Signs
We are not Invisible People

Are you listening?
We ask you to join us as our "Dollars That Make A Difference Initiative" and pledge $1.00 or more a month or $12.00 a year. ¥our support will allow us to reach vulnerable homeless individuals and their families and provide food, hygiene products, and sustainable housing.

Are you Reading?
Why Help >

Why Help >
You could be a paycheck or two away from homelessness. True homelessness is not a choice!
People With Real Stories

Women Escaping Abuse
Remembering The Homeless Victims of Abuse

Though home is supposed to be a sanctuary, sometimes it's the most dangerous place of all. Every year in the United States, somewhere between two million and four million women are assaulted by their spouse or partner, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Many of these women have children who also are abused. In up to 60 percent of the cases of domestic violence against women, some form of child maltreatment is also present, the Children's Defense Fund reports.

>> For women in particular, domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness.>>
Are You Helping?

All Videos

Thank You For Your Service
Remembering The Homeless Veterans

Lanette a veteran living in her car.

My name is Lanette
We all should be able to:
She suffers from PTSD

Lanette is a mother of two children. She loves to read the bible
Psalms & Proverbs

Psalms 73:26
If you had three wishes what would they be?
1. Get my children back 2. Shelter & food 3. Win the lottery; to build a hotel where homeless people can receive massages,aroma -therapy, food, and a place to stay.
Are you caring?

Thank You For Your Service!

Veterans Served this Country for our Freedom.
What are you doing to Free them from Homelessness?
Homeless Veteran on the Rise

Would you help us out, please?
Bishop Bob
Why We're Great >

Why We're Great >
We Really Help the People!
Any donation would be greatly appreciated, large or small. All donations will be recognized on our website.
Thank you for your support!
Pledge $1.00 or more a month or $12.00 a year.
Dollars That Make A Difference
We need your support or we'll never get out of this crisis.

You Can Be The Blessing In Someone's Life!
Make a Monthly Pledge
Take The Pledge Challenge

We need your help! This job is too big to do alone.
$1.00 or more a month (or) $12.00 a year.

We dedicate our time, energy and money into caring and loving those who are less fortunate and at risk. We strive to do more but with very little resources were unable to reach the masses. That's were your support makes a big difference.

We need your help.
We ask for your support with this special initiative that will feed, house, and strengthen the heart and soul of the community through our ministry.
" Dollars That Make a Difference Initiative" help feed homeless persons and their families.

Please understand the urgency- We need your help now.
Feed the need- feed my sheep

In downtown Austin, Buttafleye Outreach Ministry leads a volunteer crew to prepare and serve hot tacos to the homeless. In addition, we distribute hygiene bags and bottled water to over 175+ of our friends on the street every other Saturday afternoon.
We don’t judge or criticize the reality of those less fortunate- we feed the sheep (people).
Blanket Drive

" Love & Charity" the People Care Movement.

In-Kind Donation Opportunities are a great way to donate. Ministry volunteers will gather the items and arrange for them to get to the homeless.

Be a Volunteer
Why Give!

Why Give!
Give to help those in need. Any donation would be greatly appreciated, large or small.
Hygiene Kits
Supply new, unopened travel size hygiene items for youth and young adults.

Make this yours. Add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.

Hygiene Kits
Hygiene Kits
Items we need include:
Bar Soap
Body Wipes
Laundry soap
Dental Floss
Disposable shaver
Feminine hygiene products
Oatmeal lotion or any type that soothes irritated skin
Insect repellant (all type)
Healing Ointment

Feed The Need- Feed My Sheep
Provide dinner for our homeless during Saturday Feed The Need Outreach

Cosmetics and Self Care
Provide homeless with new, unopened cosmetics and self-care items

Feed The Need- Feed My Sheep
Food must:
Feed 130-150 Homeless
Have a gluten-free, vegetarian, and sugar-free option for treats.
Fruit Bags
Bottled water
Sweet/sugar-free- snacks

Cosmetics and Self Care
Contour Kits
Eye shadow
Haircut gift cards
Makeup brushes
Nail Clippers
Nail File
Nail gift cards
Nail polish

The Austin 2019 point-in-time count found 2,255 people experiencing homeless, with more than half of those unsheltered. But the count only captures some of the people.
We ask for your support with this special initiative that will feed, give hygiene bags, and resources to the homeless that will help strengthen the heart and soul of the community through our outreach ministry. Any donation would be greatly appreciated, large or small.

Homelessness is a complicated problem, but the solution is simple: Put people in homes. A number of nonprofit organizations in Austin do that, though they can’t keep pace with the need. Your donations can help them build or acquire more residences to provide homes for individuals and families.
We Ask for Your Support

Support our Ministry and Support the homeless.
We ask for your support with this special initiative that will feed, house, and strengthen the heart and soul of the community through our ministry.
End Hunger and Poverty


¥our support will allow us to reach vulnerable homeless individuals and their families and provide food, hygiene products, and sustainable housing.
Remember Homeless Veterans

Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week

Take the Challenge