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Bible Study |Interactive|What Is Your Character?

Writer's picture: Buttafleye MinistryButtafleye Ministry

Join us for a special dissertation presentation introduction to Trauma In The Bible| Overcoming Mental Illness and | Weapons of Self Destruction Interactive Bible Study. Sign up Pre Order the book by Dr. Mar' Jae's here.


Everyone Has A Story


The things you experienced are your story and everyone has character and every story has characters. To get to the root of your character we must investigate and get to the root cause. In order to do that we must dig deeper to learn more about who you are and what characteristics you share.

Research on mental health and wellness is a serious topic but often kept quiet or never talked about in most households, churches, schools, and businesses. Mental health plays an important role in the Bible and when it comes to spirituality. In the Bible, blessings would be placed by laying hands on someone's head. [Matthew 19:15] Curses would fall on someone's head [Genesis 49:26]. We have the power to choose blessings or curses and this course will guide you through the steps.

The helmet in the Bible, tends to mean the whole person. In the same way the helmet of salvation protects us spiritually from a powerful blow of doubt from the enemy and his kingdom. Without the helmet, we leave ourselves exposed on the spiritual battlefield. Recent studies show that religious beliefs and practices are supportive to cope with stresses in life and are beneficial to mental health. It is how you handle your traumas and tribulations. The Most High (God) expects us to have resilience and he equipped us with the tools to do so. Join us for this 4 week bible series.




The mind: Ephesians 6: 17, Romans 1:28 (debased), Romans 7: 18-23, Hebrews 4;12

Fear: Psalm 56:3, Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 43:5

Attitude: Philippians 2:5-6

Fruit of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23

Walking in the Spirit: Galatians 5:16

Character: Genesis 1:26, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Nahum 1:7

Temptation:1 Corinthians 10:13

Sin: 1 John 3:4


Biblical Characters

We have the power to choose Look at their (biblical characters) behaviors and thought patterns. Then, look at it in a modern contemporary context. Look at it with more understanding and how they handled their issues mentally. Look at their emotional well-being and their ability to practice resilience. Breaking News Link


Biblical character diagnosis questions

  • Joseph, What mental effect do you think it had on Joseph?

  • Jeremiah, How did this affect Jeremiah mentally?

  • Job, What mental trauma did Job experience?

  • Nimrod, Did Nimrod have a mental disorder?

  • King Nebuchadnezzar, Was he suffering from mental illness or disorder? if so what type?

  • Noah, Do you believe Noah experienced fear?

Which bible characters had resilience?


Character Is Self Imposed| We Have The Power of Choice

  • Choose your Character| The Power of Choice

  • Choose who you will Serve| The Power of Choice

  • Choose the end of your Story| The Power of Choice

  • Choose your Mood and Attitude |The Power of Choice

  • Choose Obedience or Disobedience| The Power of Choice

  • Choose Life or Death| The Power of Choice

Should we work on our character? Why or why not?


War Over The Mind

The enemy wants to destroy your mind and the Most High wants to Renew your mind. mental Illness, men disorders, anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, reprobate mind, Personality disorders, through spiritual warfare.

The bible focuses on the mind and reiterates how renewing the mind is the protocol to being a Kingdom citizen. When we learn and understand the true knowledge of Yahweh [God] there is liberty in many ways. Being a citizen doesn't mean you are not going to go through tribulations or mental challenges. Citizens are sometimes treated cruelly due to breaking the laws or for holding the laws. Many of us go through unexplained trauma which normally roots in childhood experiences.


Choose your Mood and Attitude |The Power of Choice

  • Attitude is part of your character

  • The mood is a part of your character

  • What is your attitude like?

  • How do others feel about your attitude and mood?


Stop working on your character and work on your relationship and intimacy in Holy Spirit.

  • Holy Spirit.

  • Not our flesh but our spirit!

  • Are people being fed by you or fed up with you?

  • Feed people with your character through the fruit of the spirit.

  • What are the fruits of the spirit?


Choose Obedience or Disobedience| The Power of Choice


How to Develop Good Godly Character

  • Walking in the Holy Spirit, Makes me better than me.

  • Character is more important than power.



The Most High God is character and he has characteristics.

  • What is God's character?

  • What are the six main attributes of God?

Your Character will be tested by temptation. Your character doesn't change. Lead with your life. he knows your character, validated by your relationship.

A person with character lives on principle. people with character can be trusted. Character is unchanging. Character attracts loyalty. Character is a commitment to a set of values without compromise. Like values, are things you value and commit to. For example you will never commit adultery if you did, your spouse would lose trust.

Choose Life or Death| The Power of Choice


What is your Character, is it Yeshua (Jesus), the author and finisher of our faith?

Choose the end of your Story| It is important you get your story in right standing with Christ. The Power of Choice. Make Your Last Chapter Your Best chapter.


Instructor: Dr. Mar' Jae

Opening Prayer: Dr. Mar' Jae or volunteer

Scripture Reading: Hebrews chapter 12

Musical Selections: God Favored Me By Hezekiah Walker , Better By Hezekiah Walker Cover|APC Virtual Praise Team

Inspirational Videos: HOW TO DEVELOP GODLY CHARACTER || GROWING IN THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT | WISDOM FOR DOMINION |Pastor Vladimir Savchuk, Why Character Is Necessary | Dr. Myles Munroe, Kalispell | Man who removed ten commandments|Man ordered to pay restitution, Testimony | If only EVERY person responded like this |Living Waters , Breaking News|Interactive Bible Study|News| Which Bible Character Is Reported To Have Experienced this Trauma?| Dr. Mar' Jae



Do you value principle? Values are protection.

What is sin?

What is your Story?

What is your Spiritual Assignment?

Do you trust God?


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