Reading Plan Description Reading in chronological order, the lessons and events of the Bible make understanding and remembering easier. A chronological Bible study reading plan throughout the year that only takes 10 minutes per day. We challenge you to read the word for yourself and receive a Free certificate upon completion. Take the challenge
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Reflect and Respond
Please use a notepad for your Bible Journaling and use the Bible Study Journal PDF provided for you to answer daily reflections and respond to questions. Request your journal via Email today. Feel free to upload and post pages from your journal. Reflect on your reading from your reading plan and Respond to the questions below in the comment section.
NOTE: You may see we use the name Yahshua. We use Yahshua because that is Jesus' name in Hebrew. You may also see YHWH, The Most High, or the Father which refers to the Hebraic reference to God.
Day 22
What are the wind and waves in your life?
What are you thinking about jumping into? Do you know what you're getting into?
Have you sought Yahshua (Jesus) in prayer about this situation?
Day 23
Have you ever considered starting a savings plan or do you have one currently?
Do you have a savings goal or a goal to put your savings towards?
Record your answer in the comments below.
Day 24
How will or do you distribute the gifts you have been entrusted with?
As a believer, do you recognize the gifts that you have been given? Feel free to discuss your thoughts on what gifts you specifically have been given and how you share them.
Day 25
Who are you trusting to Christ today?
Who do you need to let go of so they can be in the arms of the one who holds them most securely?
Day 26
Is there now or at some time in your past a person in your inner circle who seems to not be following the path of life?
Are you or were you scared to let these people go? If so, why?
Ask yourself what is it about that relationship that you need or are seeking. Love? Acceptance? An apology?
Day 27
How do you feel the Father communicates through you and others?
Have you witnessed the Father's communication in some way? Through yourself, others, nature, or some other manner?
Day 28
What was your toughest assignment ever? Were you up to the task? Did it fall in your lap? Did you ask for it and then question yourself later?
Once you got through it, did you look back and recognize the Most High's role in placing you in that position of leadership and achievement?
Do You Have a Confidential Prayer Request? Do You Have a Testimony You Would Like to Share? Do You have questions or feedback and would like to contact us?
Reading the Bible chronologically is great for busy people, it takes only 10 minutes a day for clarity and understanding.