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IBS|Black History According to The Scripture | Apart From The Blacks

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Black History According to the Scriptures- Interactive Bible Study- Buttafleye

The first question the New Testament asks a Black man found reading Old Testament Scripture is, "Do you understand what you are reading?" in the book of Acts 8:30

the Ethiopian replied, " How can I, except some man should guide me?"

Theologians and Bible teachers exclude, explain away, diminish, or ignore the contributions of the Black people that the Most High placed in the Scriptures. In the Old Testament, Black people are the backdrops that the Most High used to highlight His greatest acts.

Black According to the Scripture- Interactive Bible Study- Buttafleye

Scripture itself testifies to this in regard to the most powerful African king in the Old Testament stating? for this cause, I [the Most High God] raised thee [Pharaoh] up to make my name known throughout all the earth (Rom 9:17).

Blacks are the canvas on which much Old Testament Scripture is painted.

Apart from the Blacks that are in the Bible, there is no Ethiopia which means land of burnt faces. No Genesis or Garden of Eden and no Ethiopian eunuch for Philip to preach Yahshua in the New Testament (Gen 2:13; Acts 8:27).

Are Hebrews Black?

  • Yes

  • No

Apart from the Blacks that are in the Bible, there would not have been any Hebrew slavery in Africa and no Promised Land of Canaan to take from Black people by Hebrews.

Apart from the Black kings in Scripture, there would be no Tower in Ham's grandson. kingdom of Babel and an African princess would not have rescued Moses from the Nile.

Apart from Blacks in the Bible, there would be no Passover for Jews to celebrate and no Ethiopian wife for their liberator Moses to marry (Ps 106:22; Num 12:1).

Apart from Blacks in the Bible, Egypt would not be called the land of Ham. Where Hebrews sojourned (Ps 105:23, 106:22).

Apart from Blacks in the Bible, there would be no book of Exodus for the chosen people to exit out of Africa.

Black According to the Scripture- Interactive Bible Study- Buttafleye Ministry.orgBlack According to the Scripture- Interactive Bible Study- Buttafleye

Apart from Blacks in the Bible, there would be no Arabs or Philistines so the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel would not exist and neither would the Philistine giant for David to defeat (Gen 10:14).

Apart from Blacks in the Bible, David would not have killed his proselyte Hittite-Canaanite soldier that had converted to Judaism to take his Canaanite-Gilonite wife that gave birth to King Solomon (2 Sam 11:3).

Apart from the Blacks that are in the Bible, the prophet Jeremiah would have died in a dungeon (Jer 38:7).

Apart from the Blacks that are in the Bible, the tribe of Benjamin with its dark skin Hebrews would have gone extinct, so Paul would not exist (Judges 21:3-7; Acts 21:38; Phil 3:5).

Black According to the Scripture- Interactive Bible Study- Buttafleye

Apart from Blacks in Scripture, there would be no Israelite tribes of Ephraim or Manasseh or any Hittites, Jebusites, Hivites, or other Canaanite tribes for Israel to defeat.

Apart from the Blacks in the Bible, Job would have had no robbers of his wealth and there would not be a Canaanite apostle of Yahshua Hamashiach named. Simon the Canaanite whose heritage Caucasian theologians aggressively attempt to explain away, since no apostles were from Japheth? Caucasian lineage (Matt 10:4).

If Blacks were acknowledged in Scripture it would be as revolutionary as when one Black man, Jackie Robinson, was allowed in baseball and took Rookie of the Year that year and two years later was the Most Valuable Player. Watch your thought process change as the Most High's Word reveals the history of Blacks in the Bible. Whatever your nationality or education level, your Bible will never read the same.

See Yourself in the Scriptures.

Black According to the Scripture- Interactive Bible Study- Buttafleye

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1 Comment

Dr. Mar'Jae
Dr. Mar'Jae
Jun 21, 2023

So many questions. Research shows that asking more questions builds emotional intelligence, lending to better soft skills - key in leadership at work and interpersonal relationship building.

Something to think about!

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