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Memorial|Remembering: Lacy "Bobby" Jake

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

Buttafleye Ministry remembers Lacy "Bobby" Jake, March 07, 2017. leave a scripture, comment, or tell your favorite memory.


Psalm 34:18: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.



Preserve the memory of your loved one FREE on our Memorial Page. We Will Always Remember You! Add a Memory or Message to the Memorial page Here. Celebrate and honor the legacy of your loved one's life and inspire family and friends to do the same.


Psalm 145.4: One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.


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1 Comment

Dr. Mar'Jae
Dr. Mar'Jae
Mar 07, 2021

I remember Bobby listening to soul music and carrying a radio.

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