By Popular Demand!
I am so grateful. Thank you for registering for Buttafleye Ministry's "Witchcraft in the Church" interactive Bible study. Held on Thursdays in October on Google meet. We will send you a reminder one day before the study and a weekly newsletter of the study schedule. This is a certificate study all assignments must be turned in for certification. Please feel free to share the event as our goal is to gather as many people as possible to share the truth and deliverance. Join Study

Weekly Schedule
Week 1 - Introduction
overview and history of Witchcraft
Week 2- How witches and demons operate
Entertainment, fashion, and religion
How to reveal the hidden activities of evil forces
Hidden Mysteries
Avoid these things
Week 3- How witchcraft is ignored in religious practices.
Witchcraft is witchcraft
The new age of religion and Christianity
How to recognize witchcraft in the church
Expose Monitoring Spirits - Satanic and Demonic Spirits
Breaking Demonic Curses
Week 4- How to pray against the spirit of witchcraft and demonic attacks
Spiritual cleansing
Powerful prayers and prophetic actions against the spirit of witchcraft and demonic attack
Hear testimonies of deliverance from witchcraft
Dangerous Prayer Points
Declarations to Disarm
Casting Out Demons
Week 4- Part 2- Open Panel Discussion and Certificate Distribution-TBA
"Witchcraft in the Church" is an open panel discussion with a series of timed questions and conversations about witchcraft in the church.
This panel is open to all who register for this event and all can participate.
Receive a broader understanding of witchcraft in the church.
Certificate- awarded to individuals upon completion of this session.
*Hear testimonies of deliverance from new-age Christianity, witchcraft, and more. do you have a testimony you would like to share?
Classes falling on a holiday will be rescheduled for the following Thursday.
John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
This study is a daily affirmation and weekly devotional study for deliverance from the spirit of witchcraft, demonic attack, and financial stagnation.
We offer a simple practical prayer guide to a life free from witchcraft harassment, oppression, and demonic attack.
Weekly review of the previous week for understanding, purpose, and application.
Week Study
Each week we will go deeper into our study for clarity, and truth for a strong foundation.
Homework- Assignments
See Student Instruction on the blog post.
All homework must be completed and turned in by the following Thursday. If you have any questions, personal issues, or concerns, or need an extension, Please feel free to reach out to your instructor Dr. Mar' Jae at www.
Week 1. What are Witchcraft, Wicca, and Pagan? -Here
Week 2. 21 Scriptures Tell Us That Astrology Is a Sin-Here
Week 3. Occult, Divination, Astrology, and Sorcery-Here
Week 4. Our Younger Generations Are Not Prioritizing Religion Here
*Commentary-assignment-write a 1-page commentary about what you have learned about Witchcraft in the church ( use references). What similarities do the New age and Christianity teach what are their commonalities?
What is Christ consciousness?
Sign up to become a Buttafleye Ministry member, and create your user password.
Sign in using your password for class participation and certification.
When you are logged in:
Read the full content in each blog post.
Answer all underlined questions.
Comment your answers in the comment section of the blog post.
Give your classmates personalized feedback on their answers to one or more questions.
Watch assigned videos
Read or listen to assigned scriptures and books.
RESOURCES for this assignment.
Dealing with demons by Bob Larson Here
Warfare Prayers
Spiritual warfare prayers Here
Deliverance from demonic oppression Here
Praying for the Sick, Wounded, and Spiritually Oppressed Principles and Practice Here
Satanic Influences in the American Christian Church in a Post-Modern Consumer Society- thesis and dissertation by Jerry F. Ressa- George Fox university Here
Spiritual Strategies: A Manual For Spiritual Warfare -HARVESTIME INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE Here
Prayers for protection against demonic oppression and witchcraft Here
Additional Reading and Resources
Read the blog:
Are Fallen Angels Truth from the Bible or Fiction? HERE
How Many Angels are There? HERE
Are Fallen Angels Truth from the Bible or Fiction? HERE
10 Things Christians don't Know about Satan HERE
The Devil HERE
Old Testament Giants HERE
What Does the Bible say about Demons HERE
Aliens the invasion HERE
I am very thankful for your time. I will see you Thursday if the Most High is willing. Do You Have a confidential Prayer Request? Do You Have a Testimony You Would Like to Share? Do You have questions or feedback and would like to contact us?
Dr. Mar'Jae
Buttafleye Ministry
Love it! Great job Buttafleye Ministry!